TO-DO: 4 steps for more creativity

Rudolf Erdei
7 min readMar 12, 2023
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Have you ever experienced the feeling of impending doom as a deadline approaches? Even though it’s not quite late yet, you can feel the pressure building. As you stare at the blank canvas, your mind draws a blank and you can’t seem to come up with a single idea. This is what is commonly known as writer’s block, although it can occur in any creative field. You might start to wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I come up with anything anymore?” The fear and frustration of not being able to produce can be overwhelming.

If you were to ask somebody else what can you do to overcome these moments when creativity is absent, they would all give you the same suggestions: Take breaks and relax, get enough sleep, and engage in physical exercise. All of these tips focus on the premise of your brain being tired and not well-fed (physical exercise will improve blood flow and oxygen intake, which is essential for the well-being of the brain).

But oftentimes this is not the case. Maybe you sleep ten hours per day, do 45 minutes of aerobics and a short break every 25 minutes (Pomodoro anyone?). The canvas is still empty. What else is to be done in these situations?

For the past decade, I have been quietly observing and analyzing the world around me. As an introverted engineer and artist, I often find myself in social situations where I sit…



Rudolf Erdei

Ex professional photographer, rookie watercolor painter, currently working in computer science research.